Tuesday, November 8, 2011

boc: week6

Most of Luxury Company now selling jeans are made in the united states. That’s why they cost of 300 hundred dollars. “Americans bought $13.8 billion of men's and women's jeans in the year ended April 30, according to market-research firm NPD Group. But only about 1% of jeans sold in the U.S. over that year cost more than $50”.
another reason why people spend so much on over price jeans is because the name. people want to feel like they rich and want to be like they favorite celebrity. “Most premium jeans' cotton denim fabric comes from the primary maker of high-end denim fabric used in the U.S. and Europe: Greensboro, N.C.-based Cone Denim, a unit of the International Textile Group.” http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303365804576429730284498872.html?mod=WSJ_LifeStyle_LifeStyleFashion#printMode
when people noicted how much the jeans really cost than they might think about spend a lot of money on they jeans. Pretty much the company is making a lot of money off they customer. Its cost some companies like 50 dollars to make there jeans than turn around and charge 375 dollars for one pair that’s crazy. For an example True Religion ‘It costs about $50 to make a pair of Super T jeans, True
Religion's best-selling style with oversized white stitching. But they wholesale price is 152 and the price that they is 352. Wow that’s crazy huh.

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